K-litter born 6 Oct 2019
Gersimi fødte åtte små 6. oktober! Det ble fem gutter og tre jenter.
Name – Navn |
Colour |
Status |
NO*WesterosCat Kristofer Hivju | MCO d 09 24 Red spotted tabby with white | Sold to NO*Hairbandit Maine Coon cattery |
NO*WesterosCat Kit Harington | MCO a 09 22 Blue tabby with white | Moved to Ida and family in Flateby |
NO*WesterosCat Kasporio the Bravo | MCO n 02 23 Black tabby white harlequin | Sold to Tina and Espen in Skjeberg |
NO*WesterosCat Kiera of Tyrosh | MCO g 09 22 Blue torbie with white | Lives together with Karlon |
NO*WesterosCat Kojja Mo | MCO a 03 22 Blue tabby white bicolour | Sold to Vivian and family in Oslo |
NO*WesterosCat Karlon Stark | MCO a 09 22 Blue tabby with white | Sold to Erik and Sarocha in Vestby |
NO*WesterosCat Kermit Tully | MCO a 03 23 Blue mackerel tabby white bicolour | Sold to Tore and Madeleine in Torsnes |
NO*WesterosCat Kind Alysanne | MCO g 02 21 Blue torbie white harlequin | Sold to Tina and Espen in Skjeberg |
More photos of all kittens on their pages. Click names for more. Flere bilder og informasjon om hver kattunge på deres sider, klikk på navnene i listen over for å se.
Pedigree in the PawPeds database – lenke til stamtavle
Parents: Gersimi & Pajazz

NO*WesterosCat Gersimi MCO g 02 21 62 |
S*Acrobat’s Prince of Paradise MCO n 22 |
Genotype: AA dd GG Mcmc spsp wsws Oo M3/M3 | Genotype: Aa Dd GG mcmc ww oy |
HCM scan: Normal 3 June 2019 (1 year old) | HCM-scan: Normal May 2019 (6 years old) |
HD X-ray: Left: Normal, Right: Normal, both parents normal | HD X-ray: Left: Normal, Right: Normal, both parents normal |
This litter is a combination of traditional show lines and rarer lines with some new foundation. Inbreeding values are mid-range.
Dette kullet er en kombinasjon av mer tradisjonelle showlinjer, og sjeldnere linjer med nyere foundation bak. Innavlsverdiene er “mid-range” og ikke ren lavinnavl. Begge foreldrene er store og har mildt gemytt.
Gersimi is a very pretty girl with a fairly good head, and a large frame, good size and boning. Very kind and calm cat.
Pajazz is a very good tempered mature male, big and strong “old-typed” Maine Coon, a real teddy bear! He is from Susanne at Acrobat, where our good Suki is from, and we have dreamed of a litter after him for many years! Finally a dream come true. Pajazz carries blood type B. He has sired some very nice kittens earlier.
Litter Data
HCM/A31P DNA | N/N |
PK-deficiency DNA | N/N |
Complete inbreeding | 7,72 % |
Clones | 24,6 % |
Top 5 | 55,1 % |